Friday, October 24, 2008

Backing up OCR and Voting Disk

Backup OCR

There are a couple of methods to backup the OCR.

Note: Oracle automatically backs up the OCR every 4 hours.

BAckup can be done using the ocrconfig tool to add a backup location.

ocrconfig -backuploc

Note:This command has to be run as root

A logical backup can be taken using the ocrconfig tool.

ocrconfig -export

a logical backup can only be imported using the ocrconfig tool.

ocrconfig -import

A OCR mirror location can be specified for Oracle 10GR2 using ocrconfig.

ocrconfig -replace ocrmirror

BAckup Voting disk

When raw devices are used for the voting disks, backup on UNIX platform can be taken by dd command

dd if=/dev/rdsk/vot1 of=$ORACLE_HOME/votebackup/

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