Development DBA's were using a single node Dell BOX for 11gR1 ASM , RDBMS and later decided to move it to two node RAC and hence deinstralled the existing software and had left the DB files as such so that they can use the same DB's after the the RAC setup. After the CRS,ASM and RDBMS were installed, they had 2 new disks to be added for the RAC nodes.
Using DBCA an asm instance was created and a diskgroup called DG1 was created with the 2 new disks, and one of the ASM instance's alert log started thowing the below error.My help was sought to see if anything was faced like this in production.
ERROR: diskgroup DG1 was not mounted
ORA-15032: not all alterations performed
ORA-15063: ASM discovered an insufficient number of disks for diskgroup "DG1"
ORA-15038: disk '' size mismatch with diskgroup [1048576] [4096] [512]
First check the disks in both the nodes :
Node - 1
------- ---------- ------- ------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
CLOSED MEMBER ONLINE /dev/raw/raw3 0 0
CLOSED FOREIGN ONLINE /dev/raw/raw5 0 0
CLOSED MEMBER ONLINE /dev/raw/raw1 0 0
CLOSED FOREIGN ONLINE /dev/raw/raw2 0 0
IGNORED MEMBER ONLINE /dev/raw/raw4 0 0
Node - 2
------- ---------- ------- ------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
CLOSED FOREIGN ONLINE /dev/raw/raw2 0 0
CLOSED FOREIGN ONLINE /dev/raw/raw5 0 0
CACHED MEMBER ONLINE DG1_0001 /dev/raw/raw3 547419 168410
CACHED MEMBER ONLINE DG1_0000 /dev/raw/raw4 547419 168257
Inference 1:
From the above details /dev/raw/raw4 was the old disk mounted in the old standalone ASM, which is not made visible in the new node.
Note: Also I could see all the files from the standalone DB synchronized in the second node DG1, this takes us closer to our issue.
From this I used kfed to check what the disk headers had to say
(Contenet shortened for better reading)
[oracle@wv1devdb03b dev]$ kfed read /dev/raw/raw1
kfdhdb.grptyp: 1 ; 0x026: KFDGTP_EXTERNAL
kfdhdb.hdrsts: 3 ; 0x027: KFDHDR_MEMBER
kfdhdb.dskname: DG1_0000 ; 0x028: length=8
kfdhdb.grpname: DG1 ; 0x048: length=3
kfdhdb.fgname: DG1_0000 ; 0x068: length=8
kfdhdb.capname: ; 0x088: length=0
[oracle@wv1devdb03b dev]$ kfed read /dev/raw/raw4
kfdhdb.grptyp: 1 ; 0x026: KFDGTP_EXTERNAL
kfdhdb.hdrsts: 3 ; 0x027: KFDHDR_MEMBER
kfdhdb.dskname: DG1_0000 ; 0x028: length=8
kfdhdb.grpname: DG1 ; 0x048: length=3
kfdhdb.fgname: DG1_0000 ; 0x068: length=8
kfdhdb.capname: ; 0x088: length=0
[oracle@wv1devdb03b dev]$ kfed read /dev/raw/raw3
kfdhdb.grptyp: 1 ; 0x026: KFDGTP_EXTERNAL
kfdhdb.hdrsts: 3 ; 0x027: KFDHDR_MEMBER
kfdhdb.dskname: DG1_0001 ; 0x028: length=8
kfdhdb.grpname: DG1 ; 0x048: length=3
kfdhdb.fgname: DG1_0001 ; 0x068: length=8
kfdhdb.capname: ; 0x088: length=0
Yes now we know the issue, the disk '/dev/raw/raw1' was earlier mounted as diskgroup DG1 (and of course was not cleaned up) , this could have better if the new disks were created with a new diskgroup name viz., DG2. So the end issue is we have mismatching set of disks for DG1 in both the nodes and also we have two disks with the name as "DG1_000".
So what could be done to resolve this (dev setup gives me more liberty :-) ), in our case the below :
1. Commented the /dev/raw/raw1 and restarted node 1.
2. ASM now had same disks in both sides and it has come up fine.
3. We returned the old disk raw1 to the storage team.
What could be done to avoid this :
1. Mounted the raw1 disk on both the nodes.
2. Else could have created the diskgroup with a different name, very simple I guess.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Oracle 11G : fails with - Failure at final check of Oracle CRS stack. 10
I was setting up a Oracle 11G RAC in a two node Linux cluster and got into a issue while running the in the second node of the cluster as below:
Checking to see if Oracle CRS stack is already configured
/etc/oracle does not exist. Creating it now.
Setting the permissions on OCR backup directory
Setting up Network socket directories
Oracle Cluster Registry configuration upgraded successfully
clscfg: EXISTING configuration version 4 detected.
clscfg: version 4 is 11 Release 1.
Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.
Using ports: CSS=49895 CRS=49896 EVMC=49898 and EVMR=49897.
node 1: devdb03b devdb03b-priv devdb03b
node 2: devdb03a devdb03a-priv devdb03a
clscfg: Arguments check out successfully.
NO KEYS WERE WRITTEN. Supply -force parameter to override.
-force is destructive and will destroy any previous cluster
Oracle Cluster Registry for cluster has already been initialized
Startup will be queued to init within 30 seconds.
Adding daemons to inittab
Expecting the CRS daemons to be up within 600 seconds.
Failure at final check of Oracle CRS stack.
After the error I was manually evaluating the basic setup was right, there were a couple of issues which were trivial and had escaped the clufy verification:
1. The private and virtual host names were commented in the /etc/hosts file in one node.
2. The time was not synced in both the nodes which could cause node eviction.
[oracle@devdb03b cssd]$ date
Thu Oct 28 10:49:38 GMT 2010
[oracle@devdb03a ~]$ date
Thu Oct 28 10:48:39 GMT 2010
After the required changes were done the installation was cleaned up following the following note and reinstalled.
Note: How to Clean Up After a Failed 10g or 11.1 Oracle Clusterware Installation [ID 239998.1]
Which still dint resolve the issue, after some more analysis on the trace dumps from the ocssd , we could see that the network heart beat was not coming through for some other reason like a port block or a firewall issue, checking the /etc/services and iptables confirmed it.
[ CSSD]2010-10-28 10:55:58.709 [1098586432] >TRACE: clssnmReadDskHeartbeat: node 1, devdb03a, has a disk HB, but no network HB, DHB has rcfg 183724820, wrtcnt, 476, LATS 51264, lastSeqNo 476, timestamp 1288262691/387864
iptables was enabled and had many restrictions, so after adding the following in the iptables and restarting the nodes (as in one node the crs restart was hanging forever).
In node devdb03a
ACCEPT all -- devdb03b anywhere
In node devdb03b
ACCEPT all -- devdb03a anywhere
After this the crs became healthy, but no resources were there.
This was due to the failure in the second node, to fix this the vipca was run as rot user from the first node and everything fell in place quickly, and all the vip,ons and gsd came up fine.
Checking to see if Oracle CRS stack is already configured
/etc/oracle does not exist. Creating it now.
Setting the permissions on OCR backup directory
Setting up Network socket directories
Oracle Cluster Registry configuration upgraded successfully
clscfg: EXISTING configuration version 4 detected.
clscfg: version 4 is 11 Release 1.
Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.
Using ports: CSS=49895 CRS=49896 EVMC=49898 and EVMR=49897.
node 1: devdb03b devdb03b-priv devdb03b
node 2: devdb03a devdb03a-priv devdb03a
clscfg: Arguments check out successfully.
NO KEYS WERE WRITTEN. Supply -force parameter to override.
-force is destructive and will destroy any previous cluster
Oracle Cluster Registry for cluster has already been initialized
Startup will be queued to init within 30 seconds.
Adding daemons to inittab
Expecting the CRS daemons to be up within 600 seconds.
Failure at final check of Oracle CRS stack.
After the error I was manually evaluating the basic setup was right, there were a couple of issues which were trivial and had escaped the clufy verification:
1. The private and virtual host names were commented in the /etc/hosts file in one node.
2. The time was not synced in both the nodes which could cause node eviction.
[oracle@devdb03b cssd]$ date
Thu Oct 28 10:49:38 GMT 2010
[oracle@devdb03a ~]$ date
Thu Oct 28 10:48:39 GMT 2010
After the required changes were done the installation was cleaned up following the following note and reinstalled.
Note: How to Clean Up After a Failed 10g or 11.1 Oracle Clusterware Installation [ID 239998.1]
Which still dint resolve the issue, after some more analysis on the trace dumps from the ocssd , we could see that the network heart beat was not coming through for some other reason like a port block or a firewall issue, checking the /etc/services and iptables confirmed it.
[ CSSD]2010-10-28 10:55:58.709 [1098586432] >TRACE: clssnmReadDskHeartbeat: node 1, devdb03a, has a disk HB, but no network HB, DHB has rcfg 183724820, wrtcnt, 476, LATS 51264, lastSeqNo 476, timestamp 1288262691/387864
iptables was enabled and had many restrictions, so after adding the following in the iptables and restarting the nodes (as in one node the crs restart was hanging forever).
In node devdb03a
ACCEPT all -- devdb03b anywhere
In node devdb03b
ACCEPT all -- devdb03a anywhere
After this the crs became healthy, but no resources were there.
This was due to the failure in the second node, to fix this the vipca was run as rot user from the first node and everything fell in place quickly, and all the vip,ons and gsd came up fine.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Oracle Netbackup restore to a different user/server
I am working on an environment where we have (Oracle RMAN + Netbackup) for our backup strategy, and today we had one of our APPS DBA seeking help for restoring the production backup to a different server (dev) in a different user.
For restoring in a different server it was straight forward as I had done it multiple times before, the solution is as below to send the name of the client which took the backup via NB_ORA_CLIENT parameter, which will let the netbackup client browse the backups taken from the production server (prd-bkp).
Note: the actual client here is prd-bkp
host "date";
allocate channel t1 DEVICE TYPE sbt_tape PARMS 'SBT_LIBRARY=/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/libobk.so64.1' format '%d_dbf_%u_%t' ;
send 'NB_ORA_CLIENT=prd-bkp';
restore controlfile to '/upg04/FINDEV/control01.ctl' ;
set until time "to_date('05-10-2010 10:01:00','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')";
release channel t1 ;
debug off;
host "date";
Coming to the second issue, where we have to restore the file to a different user, I had to work to analyze the issue and from the help of the backup admin I pulled out the log files from the netbackup master server and could see the following message
07:21:46.888 [6581] <2> db_valid_master_server: dev-bkp is not a valid server
07:21:46.933 [6581] <2> process_request: command C_BPLIST_4_5 (82) received
07:21:46.933 [6581] <2> process_request: list request = 329199 82 oradev dbadev prd-bkp dev-bkp
dev-bkp NONE 0 3 999 1281405910 1284084310 4 4 1 1 1 0 4 7230 9005 4 0 C C C C C 0 2 0 0 0
07:21:46.947 [6581] <2> get_type_of_client_list_restore: list and restore not specified for dev-bkp
07:21:46.947 [6581] <2> get_type_of_client_free_browse: Free browse allowed for dev-bkp
07:21:46.948 [6581] <2> db_valid_client: -all clients valid-
07:21:46.949 [6581] <2> fileslist: sockfd = 9
07:21:46.949 [6581] <2> fileslist: owner = oradev
07:21:46.949 [6581] <2> fileslist: group = dbadev
07:21:46.949 [6581] <2> fileslist: client = prd-bkp
07:21:46.949 [6581] <2> fileslist: sched_type = 12
The reason being the backup was done from oracle user - dba group, restore was tried from oradev user - dbadev group. Here the user and group has to match for the restore to succeed. Changing the existing setup to a production like user was not possible because we had users like oradev,oratst in the box which are all going to have copies from production.
Finally we could see that since Netbackup 6.0 MP4 we could read the backup images if the groups of the users were same, voila we were in 6.5. This change was possible for us to do with the help of the sysadmin without compromising on security.By doing so the backup went fine the solution was as below:
1.Stop the oracle instance runnign in dev.
2.Changed the group of oradev from dbadev to dba.
3.Changed the binaries ownership to oradev:dba.
4.Start the oracle instance with the oradev user.
5.Restart the backup
Now we had a smooth restore and below was the log from the Netbackup master server.
07:53:11.923 [9423] <2> db_valid_client: -all clients valid-
07:53:11.924 [9423] <2> fileslist: sockfd = 9
07:53:11.924 [9423] <2> fileslist: owner = oradev
07:53:11.924 [9423] <2> fileslist: group = dba
07:53:11.924 [9423] <2> fileslist: client = prd-bkp
07:53:11.924 [9423] <2> fileslist: sched_type = 12.
For restoring in a different server it was straight forward as I had done it multiple times before, the solution is as below to send the name of the client which took the backup via NB_ORA_CLIENT parameter, which will let the netbackup client browse the backups taken from the production server (prd-bkp).
Note: the actual client here is prd-bkp
host "date";
allocate channel t1 DEVICE TYPE sbt_tape PARMS 'SBT_LIBRARY=/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/libobk.so64.1' format '%d_dbf_%u_%t' ;
send 'NB_ORA_CLIENT=prd-bkp';
restore controlfile to '/upg04/FINDEV/control01.ctl' ;
set until time "to_date('05-10-2010 10:01:00','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')";
release channel t1 ;
debug off;
host "date";
Coming to the second issue, where we have to restore the file to a different user, I had to work to analyze the issue and from the help of the backup admin I pulled out the log files from the netbackup master server and could see the following message
07:21:46.888 [6581] <2> db_valid_master_server: dev-bkp is not a valid server
07:21:46.933 [6581] <2> process_request: command C_BPLIST_4_5 (82) received
07:21:46.933 [6581] <2> process_request: list request = 329199 82 oradev dbadev prd-bkp dev-bkp
dev-bkp NONE 0 3 999 1281405910 1284084310 4 4 1 1 1 0 4 7230 9005 4 0 C C C C C 0 2 0 0 0
07:21:46.947 [6581] <2> get_type_of_client_list_restore: list and restore not specified for dev-bkp
07:21:46.947 [6581] <2> get_type_of_client_free_browse: Free browse allowed for dev-bkp
07:21:46.948 [6581] <2> db_valid_client: -all clients valid-
07:21:46.949 [6581] <2> fileslist: sockfd = 9
07:21:46.949 [6581] <2> fileslist: owner = oradev
07:21:46.949 [6581] <2> fileslist: group = dbadev
07:21:46.949 [6581] <2> fileslist: client = prd-bkp
07:21:46.949 [6581] <2> fileslist: sched_type = 12
The reason being the backup was done from oracle user - dba group, restore was tried from oradev user - dbadev group. Here the user and group has to match for the restore to succeed. Changing the existing setup to a production like user was not possible because we had users like oradev,oratst in the box which are all going to have copies from production.
Finally we could see that since Netbackup 6.0 MP4 we could read the backup images if the groups of the users were same, voila we were in 6.5. This change was possible for us to do with the help of the sysadmin without compromising on security.By doing so the backup went fine the solution was as below:
1.Stop the oracle instance runnign in dev.
2.Changed the group of oradev from dbadev to dba.
3.Changed the binaries ownership to oradev:dba.
4.Start the oracle instance with the oradev user.
5.Restart the backup
Now we had a smooth restore and below was the log from the Netbackup master server.
07:53:11.923 [9423] <2> db_valid_client: -all clients valid-
07:53:11.924 [9423] <2> fileslist: sockfd = 9
07:53:11.924 [9423] <2> fileslist: owner = oradev
07:53:11.924 [9423] <2> fileslist: group = dba
07:53:11.924 [9423] <2> fileslist: client = prd-bkp
07:53:11.924 [9423] <2> fileslist: sched_type = 12.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Oracle Virtual Index
Oracle has the undocumented feature which helps to test if a specific index creation will be used by a query to improve performance during a tuning exercise. This is a fake index hence its very fast to do the initial test and also does not occupy space, given below is a very simple example on testing the virtual index.
1.Create a test table for the activity.
create table test as select * from dba_objects;
2.Collect the statistics for the table
EXEC DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats(user, 'TEST')
3.Check the plan nfor the query
explain plan for
select * from test where object_id=200;
Plan hash value: 1357081020
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 98 | 196 (1)| 00:00:03 |
|* 1 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| TEST | 1 | 98 | 196 (1)| 00:00:03 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
1 - filter("OBJECT_ID"=200)
13 rows selected.
4.Create a virtuala index with nosegment clause.
create index test_idx1 on test(object_id) nosegment;
5.Alter session to use the virtual index
ALTER SESSION SET "_use_nosegment_indexes" = TRUE;
6.Collect statistics for the table
Note: The statistics will not be populated for the index.
EXEC DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats(user, 'TEST', cascade => TRUE);
7.Check the virtual index exists
Note: The information is not populated in DBA_INDEXES but in DBA_OBJECTS
SQL> SELECT o.object_name AS fake_index_name FROM user_objects o
WHERE o.object_type = 'INDEX' AND NOT EXISTS
(SELECT null FROM user_indexes i WHERE o.object_name = i.index_name );
8.Check the plan to see if the index is used.
explain plan for
select * from test where object_id=200;
Plan hash value: 2624864549
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 98 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
| 1 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| TEST | 1 | 98 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 2 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | TEST_IDX1 | 1 | | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
2 - access("OBJECT_ID"=200)
14 rows selected.
9.Drop the virtual index and create a real one if it helps.
drop index test_idx1;
1.Create a test table for the activity.
create table test as select * from dba_objects;
2.Collect the statistics for the table
EXEC DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats(user, 'TEST')
3.Check the plan nfor the query
explain plan for
select * from test where object_id=200;
Plan hash value: 1357081020
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 98 | 196 (1)| 00:00:03 |
|* 1 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| TEST | 1 | 98 | 196 (1)| 00:00:03 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
1 - filter("OBJECT_ID"=200)
13 rows selected.
4.Create a virtuala index with nosegment clause.
create index test_idx1 on test(object_id) nosegment;
5.Alter session to use the virtual index
ALTER SESSION SET "_use_nosegment_indexes" = TRUE;
6.Collect statistics for the table
Note: The statistics will not be populated for the index.
EXEC DBMS_STATS.gather_table_stats(user, 'TEST', cascade => TRUE);
7.Check the virtual index exists
Note: The information is not populated in DBA_INDEXES but in DBA_OBJECTS
SQL> SELECT o.object_name AS fake_index_name FROM user_objects o
WHERE o.object_type = 'INDEX' AND NOT EXISTS
(SELECT null FROM user_indexes i WHERE o.object_name = i.index_name );
8.Check the plan to see if the index is used.
explain plan for
select * from test where object_id=200;
Plan hash value: 2624864549
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 98 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
| 1 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| TEST | 1 | 98 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 2 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | TEST_IDX1 | 1 | | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
2 - access("OBJECT_ID"=200)
14 rows selected.
9.Drop the virtual index and create a real one if it helps.
drop index test_idx1;
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Port/Move Sql Profiles in 10gR1
Today I was working on a migration project, where I had to port some sql profiles from 10gR1 to 10gR2 which was really critical to the performance of the application. Metalink has documentation to move the profiles from 10gR2 to 10gR2, but nothing for my requirement 10gR1.
Wihhout any documented information finally I was able to find some undocumented information.Thanks to Christian Antognini's papers which helped me to workaround my issue.Here is what I did to port the sql profiles:
SQL Profile consists of auxiliary statistics specific to that statement and are stored as profile attributes in the data dictionary, which can be retrieved from the two tables SQLPROF$ and SQLPROF$ATTR.
In the source I have a profile called 'SYS_SQLPROF_091112150758738', which can be retrieved as below:
select sp.sp_name, sa.attr#, sa.attr_val
where sp.signature = sa.signature
and sp.category = sp.category
and sp.sp_name = 'SYS_SQLPROF_091112150758738'
order by sp.sp_name, sa.attr#
------------------------------ ---------- ----------------------------------------
SYS_SQLPROF_091112150758738 1 FIRST_ROWS(1)
Now I have the attributes from the source, which can be imported as a profile into the destination using the import_sql_profile procedure of the dbms_sqltune package as below:
exec dbms_sqltune.import_sql_profile(name => 'SYS_SQLPROF_091112150758738',description => 'SQL profile created for porting the profile from 10gR1',category => 'DEFAULT',sql_text => 'select XXXXXXXXX from XXXXXXX where XXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXXX',profile => sqlprof_attr('FIRST_ROWS(1)','OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE(default)'),replace => FALSE,force_match => FALSE);
After the import I wanted to make sure of two things :
1. The profile is used in the statement.
2. I have the optimal plan as I had in the source DB.
Both can be checked with the explain plan as below:
explain plan for
I had a similar plan and also could see the below in the explain plan which says the profile is used.I am not sure if this is supported but did work for me.
- SQL profile "SYS_SQLPROF_091112150758738" used for this statement
Note: You can follow metalink document ID 457531.1 for 10gR2 : [How To Move SQL Profiles From One Database To Another Database ] for 10gR2
For people who do not have access to metalink below are the steps for migrating the profiles in 10Gr2:
In the source database :
1. Create a staging table for the profiles
exec DBMS_SQLTUNE.CREATE_STGTAB_SQLPROF (table_name=>'PROF_BR',schema_name=>'SYS');
2.Pack the profiles to the staging table
EXEC DBMS_SQLTUNE.PACK_STGTAB_SQLPROF (staging_table_name => 'PROF_BR',profile_name=>'SYS_SQLPROF_090806080427252');
EXEC DBMS_SQLTUNE.PACK_STGTAB_SQLPROF (staging_table_name => 'PROF_BR',profile_name=>'SYS_SQLPROF_081029060743314');
EXEC DBMS_SQLTUNE.PACK_STGTAB_SQLPROF (staging_table_name => 'PROF_BR',profile_name=>'SYS_SQLPROF_090806054340984');
EXEC DBMS_SQLTUNE.PACK_STGTAB_SQLPROF (staging_table_name => 'PROF_BR',profile_name=>'SYS_SQLPROF_090812082621064');
EXEC DBMS_SQLTUNE.PACK_STGTAB_SQLPROF (staging_table_name => 'PROF_BR',profile_name=>'SYS_SQLPROF_090819052716720');
EXEC DBMS_SQLTUNE.PACK_STGTAB_SQLPROF (staging_table_name => 'PROF_BR',profile_name=>'SYS_SQLPROF_091112150758738');
EXEC DBMS_SQLTUNE.PACK_STGTAB_SQLPROF (staging_table_name => 'PROF_BR',profile_name=>'SYS_SQLPROF_091206044219682');
3.Export the table
expdp directory=POC1 dumpfile=PROF_BR.dmp logfile=PROF_BR.log JOB_NAME=EXP_PROF_BR tables=SYS.PROF_BR
In the destination database :
4. Import the staging table
impdp directory=POC1 dumpfile=PROF_BR.dmp logfile=PROF_BR.imp JOB_NAME=IMP_PROF_BR tables=SYS.PROF_BR
5.Unpack the profiles
EXEC DBMS_SQLTUNE.UNPACK_STGTAB_SQLPROF(replace => TRUE,staging_table_name => 'PROF_BR');
6. Test the queries plan to see the usage of the sql profile.
Wihhout any documented information finally I was able to find some undocumented information.Thanks to Christian Antognini's papers which helped me to workaround my issue.Here is what I did to port the sql profiles:
SQL Profile consists of auxiliary statistics specific to that statement and are stored as profile attributes in the data dictionary, which can be retrieved from the two tables SQLPROF$ and SQLPROF$ATTR.
In the source I have a profile called 'SYS_SQLPROF_091112150758738', which can be retrieved as below:
select sp.sp_name, sa.attr#, sa.attr_val
where sp.signature = sa.signature
and sp.category = sp.category
and sp.sp_name = 'SYS_SQLPROF_091112150758738'
order by sp.sp_name, sa.attr#
------------------------------ ---------- ----------------------------------------
SYS_SQLPROF_091112150758738 1 FIRST_ROWS(1)
Now I have the attributes from the source, which can be imported as a profile into the destination using the import_sql_profile procedure of the dbms_sqltune package as below:
exec dbms_sqltune.import_sql_profile(name => 'SYS_SQLPROF_091112150758738',description => 'SQL profile created for porting the profile from 10gR1',category => 'DEFAULT',sql_text => 'select XXXXXXXXX from XXXXXXX where XXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXXX',profile => sqlprof_attr('FIRST_ROWS(1)','OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE(default)'),replace => FALSE,force_match => FALSE);
After the import I wanted to make sure of two things :
1. The profile is used in the statement.
2. I have the optimal plan as I had in the source DB.
Both can be checked with the explain plan as below:
explain plan for
I had a similar plan and also could see the below in the explain plan which says the profile is used.I am not sure if this is supported but did work for me.
- SQL profile "SYS_SQLPROF_091112150758738" used for this statement
Note: You can follow metalink document ID 457531.1 for 10gR2 : [How To Move SQL Profiles From One Database To Another Database ] for 10gR2
For people who do not have access to metalink below are the steps for migrating the profiles in 10Gr2:
In the source database :
1. Create a staging table for the profiles
exec DBMS_SQLTUNE.CREATE_STGTAB_SQLPROF (table_name=>'PROF_BR',schema_name=>'SYS');
2.Pack the profiles to the staging table
EXEC DBMS_SQLTUNE.PACK_STGTAB_SQLPROF (staging_table_name => 'PROF_BR',profile_name=>'SYS_SQLPROF_090806080427252');
EXEC DBMS_SQLTUNE.PACK_STGTAB_SQLPROF (staging_table_name => 'PROF_BR',profile_name=>'SYS_SQLPROF_081029060743314');
EXEC DBMS_SQLTUNE.PACK_STGTAB_SQLPROF (staging_table_name => 'PROF_BR',profile_name=>'SYS_SQLPROF_090806054340984');
EXEC DBMS_SQLTUNE.PACK_STGTAB_SQLPROF (staging_table_name => 'PROF_BR',profile_name=>'SYS_SQLPROF_090812082621064');
EXEC DBMS_SQLTUNE.PACK_STGTAB_SQLPROF (staging_table_name => 'PROF_BR',profile_name=>'SYS_SQLPROF_090819052716720');
EXEC DBMS_SQLTUNE.PACK_STGTAB_SQLPROF (staging_table_name => 'PROF_BR',profile_name=>'SYS_SQLPROF_091112150758738');
EXEC DBMS_SQLTUNE.PACK_STGTAB_SQLPROF (staging_table_name => 'PROF_BR',profile_name=>'SYS_SQLPROF_091206044219682');
3.Export the table
expdp directory=POC1 dumpfile=PROF_BR.dmp logfile=PROF_BR.log JOB_NAME=EXP_PROF_BR tables=SYS.PROF_BR
In the destination database :
4. Import the staging table
impdp directory=POC1 dumpfile=PROF_BR.dmp logfile=PROF_BR.imp JOB_NAME=IMP_PROF_BR tables=SYS.PROF_BR
5.Unpack the profiles
EXEC DBMS_SQLTUNE.UNPACK_STGTAB_SQLPROF(replace => TRUE,staging_table_name => 'PROF_BR');
6. Test the queries plan to see the usage of the sql profile.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Linux high memory utilization
Today I was working on a project when the tester said the memory utilization was close to 100% always.First I was surprised as this was a pure DB box (RH 4) and has a single instance using only 50% of the memory for the Db.
As usual the first thing I did was to check the TOP/vmstat command, but this does not give the correct picture as Linux uses the spare memory available for caching the disk blocks (yes might be useful for a slow storage - extra cache) which is also accounted in the TOP command.
Mem: 49433916k total, 47201932k used, 2231984k free, 903556k buffers
Swap: 70894792k total, 4k used, 70894788k free, 22948700k cached
vmstat 2 4
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- -----cpu------
r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa st
1 3 4 2250296 903688 22950204 0 0 1149 38 1 0 1 1 95 3 0
1 4 4 2249804 903688 22950204 0 0 39225 27 13506 35171 3 2 86 10 0
1 3 4 2250604 903688 22950204 0 0 42305 61 14293 35447 3 2 85 11 0
0 3 4 2250836 903688 22950204 0 0 29921 96 10224 25105 3 1 85 11 0
So in Linux we have to read the cached value carefully to calculate the actual memory used or the easier way is to cuse the free -m command as below.Here 22795 is the actual memory used and 25479 is the free memory.
free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 48275 46090 2185 0 882 22412
-/+ buffers/cache: 22795 25479
Swap: 69233 0 69233
As usual the first thing I did was to check the TOP/vmstat command, but this does not give the correct picture as Linux uses the spare memory available for caching the disk blocks (yes might be useful for a slow storage - extra cache) which is also accounted in the TOP command.
Mem: 49433916k total, 47201932k used, 2231984k free, 903556k buffers
Swap: 70894792k total, 4k used, 70894788k free, 22948700k cached
vmstat 2 4
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- -----cpu------
r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa st
1 3 4 2250296 903688 22950204 0 0 1149 38 1 0 1 1 95 3 0
1 4 4 2249804 903688 22950204 0 0 39225 27 13506 35171 3 2 86 10 0
1 3 4 2250604 903688 22950204 0 0 42305 61 14293 35447 3 2 85 11 0
0 3 4 2250836 903688 22950204 0 0 29921 96 10224 25105 3 1 85 11 0
So in Linux we have to read the cached value carefully to calculate the actual memory used or the easier way is to cuse the free -m command as below.Here 22795 is the actual memory used and 25479 is the free memory.
free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 48275 46090 2185 0 882 22412
-/+ buffers/cache: 22795 25479
Swap: 69233 0 69233
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